Thursday, August 4, 2011

Prayer for Our Priests

From Lleander of the Serra Club in Honolulu:

You are asked to pray the following prayer for your parish priest and all priests of our diocese and throughout the world as they constantly are under attacks and criticisms.

Am sure you heard the saying - "Strike the shepherd and scatter the sheep." Therefore, protect our shepherds to protect our sheep. You know who the enemy is. He works amongst us, using us against each other and our priests.

Happy Feast day to each of our wonderful priests. Thank you for your ministry to us. We pray for all those who are sick, retired, lonesome, inactive or fallen as well as those who feel unappreciated.

Divine Savior, Jesus Christ, who have entrusted your work of redemption to the priests, who take your place on earth, I offer you, through the hands of your most holy Mother, for the sanctification of your priests and future priests this whole day, all my prayers, works, joys, sacrifices and sufferings. Give us saintly priests. Grant to them apostolic hearts, filled with love for you and all the souls belonging to you, so that, being themselves sanctified in you, they may sanctify us who are entrusted to their care and bring us safely into Heaven.

Loving Jesus, bless all their priestly work and sacrifice. Bless all their prayers and words at the altar and in the confessional, in the pulpit, in the school, and at the sickbed. Call many young men to the priesthood and the monastic life. Protect and sanctify all who will become your priests. And grant to the souls of the priests who have departed this life, eternal rest.

And do you, Mary, Mother of all priests, take them under your special protection and lead them ever to the highest priestly sanctity. Amen