Thursday, August 18, 2011

Pope Benedict and Youth in Madrid, Spain

With smiles on his face, Pope Benedict XVI is seen arriving in Madrid, Spain. We pray for him, Spain, all delegates, and all youth participating in the event.

May the youth's experience in Madrid bring them a lasting hope that will keep them spiritually inflamed with God's presence, and with hearts renewed on their return to their homelands, they spread around them -- whether in church or in the society -- the Life of Christ himself. May their passion bear fruits in their future vocations; most of all, that many vocations to the church grow from that experience.

Hawai'i Catholic Herald blogs
about your delegates to the WYD 2011.

Bishop Larry Silva and Fr. Peter Dumag pose with Merelyn Lubong, her daughter Chelsea, and friends from Hawai'i.

My thanks to Merelyn for sharing with us their pictures.