Friday, October 12, 2012

A Rule of Life for a Priest by Blessed Pope John XXIII

"Sic decet omino clericos in sortem Domini vocatos vitam moresque suos 
omnes componere, ut habitu, gestu, incessu, sermone,
allisque omnibus rebus, nil nisi grave,
moderatum ac religione plenum prae se ferant; levia etiam delicta,
quae in ipsis maxima essent, effugiant, ut eorum actiones cunctis afferant 
vene rationem."

"Thus it is in every way fitting that clergy who have been called to the 
service of the Lord should so order their lives and habits that in 
their dress, gestures, gait, conversation and all other
matters they show nothing that is not grave, controlled and full of
religious feeling; and let them also avoid minor faults which in them would be
very great, so that their actions may receive the respect of all."

Journal of a Soul