Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Recommended Book for Year for Priests: MARY AND THE PRIESTLY MINISTRY

Our Lady, Mother of Priests
This is from my friend Brother John Samaha:


October 2, 2009

Attached is information about a new book that I think you will find enlightening. I have given copies to several priest friends for the Year of the Priest. Although addressed to clerics, the message is applicable to all Christians.

MARY AND THE PRIESTLY MINISTRY was released recently by the publisher. The late Father Emile Neubert was a beloved rector at the former Marianist International Seminary at Fribourg, Switzerland, and a noted author in the fields of spirituality and Mariology.

This book is a classic in France and in other European countries, since the original French was translated into several languages. This is its first appearance in English, and seems very appropriate for the Year of the Priest. I hope you and others will also find it interesting and helpful. Please do what you can to publicize this Marian gem.

Every blessing of our Lord and every assistance of our Blessed Mother for you!


Bro. John Samaha, S.M.


Father Emile Neubert, S.M.

Translated by Father Thomas Stanley, S.M.

Academy of the Immaculate, 2009

266 pages, 4 x 6 inches

Laminated paper cover, $5.00

For information about discounts and bulk rates, and to order, contact Michael Coffey at Academy of the Immaculate

124 North Forke Dr.

Advance, NC 27006

tel/fax: 888-986-2742



“Every bishop and priest I know to have read this book is enthusiastic about it…. Father Neubert is as relevant today as in his own time…. His books are classics and will always be in demand. We [Franciscans of the Immaculate] are particularly delighted to be able to publish his books, since St. Maximilian Kolbe was one of Father Neubert’s fans.”

-- Father Peter Fehlner, F.I.