Wednesday, July 28, 2010

One week from today...

Bishop Larry Silva celebrated his installation and 5-year term as bishop of the Diocese of Honolulu last Wednesday, July 21. The Holy Mass he officiated was held at his home parish, the Cathedral of Our Lady of Peace. Among those who concelebrated were Vicar General Fr. Marc Alexander, Fr. William Kunisch, Fr. Peter Dumag, and Fr. Jon Cabico; Dcn. John Coughlin was the assisting deacon.

I still recall the day when Bishop Larry was installed as bishop of our diocese; it was a beautiful day, the 21st of July, in the year 2005. There were over a hundred of us who sang for that occasion, who are parishioners from different choirs on the islands. Thousands flocked at Blaisdell Arena to witness the occasion: to welcome the new bishop and be a part of an exciting history-in-the-making, after having been without a bishop for many months.

Cake was served at the Kamiano Center after Mass. Before that, of course, were pictures taken of bishop and many of our parishioners -- with many smiles, a true gesture of our aloha spirit.

It was a joy to be at Mass that day! It was a blessing to see four of my children serve once again. I was hoping to have taken many pictures but my camera that was working for many months, after it was ran over by a car, finally bade me farewell. It was my husband's gift for me three years ago, so it was a very special tool and gadget for blogging and preserving hallmark moments. I am, however, looking forward to having a new one so I can take many pictures of events in our parish and be able to portray the joy of serving -- of serving God, right here in Hawai'i!