Friday, July 31, 2009

A Prayer for Vocations

Priest and the BVM

Lord Jesus Christ, Who callest to Thy service whomsoever Thou wilt, let the light of Thy Face and the tenderness of Thy Heart rest upon the young men of our own parishes and families.

Grant that those whom Thou hast chosen from among us may hear Thy invitation and respond to Thy call with generosity and courage.

For our part, we are resolved to welcome and support priestly vocations in our midst with gratitude, humility, and joy.

We promise to pray tirelessly for those whom Thou hast set apart to preach Thy Word, to offer Thy Sacrifice, and to nourish, heal, and comfort our souls.

Confident that Thou hast already heard our prayer, we entrust the future priests among us to the Immaculate Heart of Thy Virgin Mother that, for each one, she may be a guiding star in the night and, day by day, a perpetual help.

Shared by Sue of Half the Kingdom